President Mark Murphy Make Controvacial statement Over President Of NFL

Wisconsin’s Green Bay (CBS 58) — President and CEO of the Green Bay Packers Mark Murphy issued a statement in response to some divisive remarks made by President Trump on Friday.

The complete statement says:

“It’s regrettable that the President chose to make rude and polarizing remarks about our players and the NFL using his enormous platform. We firmly think that athletes are good role models and leaders in our communities.

They ought to be honored for their accomplishments and beneficial influence since they have worked incredibly hard to earn their positions.

In the hopes that things will change for the better, we think it’s critical to stand with any of our players who want to express themselves in a nonviolent way. We are blessed to be able to speak freely and candidly as Americans.”

Along with President Trump’s remarks, Packers wide receiver Davante Adams tweeted, saying,

“We’ll “stick to football” when we see progress.

Even the leader of our country is unable to model what it means to be a great American.

In response to President Trump’s Friday night monologue criticizing the National Anthem, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said on Saturday that the president’s “divisive comments” show a “unfortunate lack of respect” for the league and the contributions players make to their communities.

Goodell made the announcement following a segment of Mr. Trump’s 83-minute speech on Friday night at a rally for U.S. Senate candidate Luther Strange, during which he criticized the NFL for permitting less violent games and urged them to fire players such as Colin Kaepernick who decline to stand for the playing of the national anthem.

In a statement, Goodell added, “The NFL and our players are at our best when we help create a sense of unity in our country and our culture.

” “The incredible reaction from our clubs and players to the horrific natural disasters we’ve had over the past month is the best example there is.

Divisive remarks such as these reveal a regrettable disregard for the NFL, our wonderful game, and all of our players, as well as a refusal to recognize the powerful positive influence that our clubs and players have on our communities.”

The organization representing NFL players, the NFL Players Association, retorted that they “no longer can afford to stick to sports.”

Executive director DeMaurice Smith declared in a statement, “We will never back down.” “We no longer can afford to stick to sports.”

Mark Murphy

Smith stated that the union “will never back down when it comes to the players’ constitutional rights” and their security in a “game that exposes them to great risks.”

NFL players responded to the president’s attack against the league on Twitter on Friday night.

George Iloka, a safety for the Cincinnati Bengals, said on Twitter that he “can’t take anything our celebrity in chief says seriously.”

“Trump stay in your place… Football have nothing to do with u smh,” linebacker Zach Brown of the Washington Redskins tweeted.

According to Mr. Trump, disdaining the flag calls for dismissal.

Wouldn’t it be great to watch one of these NFL owners tell someone to “get that son of a b—- off the field right now” when they disrespect our flag? Removed. He is dismissed. He’s been sacked “It said.

However, he also bemoaned how the NFL is destroying the game by using penalties to stop violence.

“They’re destroying the fun. It’s destroying the game. They want to do that, he continued. “They’re looking to strike. They’re itching to strike! The game is being harmed by it.”

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