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 6 Potential Trades for the Toronto Raptors to Consider at the 2024 NBA Draft.

The NBA draft often serves as a prime opportunity for significant trades to unfold. As the second-to-last event of the draft cycle, it provides a strategic platform for all 30 teams to assess their positions in the league, setting the stage for free agency and the upcoming season.

This event consistently sees numerous trades, averaging between 5-10, with some years witnessing even more.

Jakob Poeltl | Toronto Raptors |

With the introduction of new CBA financial restrictions, the perception of this draft being relatively even in talent, and several teams facing uncertain situations, the 2024 draft is poised for an active trade environment.

The Toronto Raptors are one of the teams expected to be particularly involved.

Holding the 19th and 31st picks and entering a phase of retooling, the Raptors’ decisions could significantly shape their short- and long-term goals.

Will they trade up for a prospect they are particularly excited about? Or might they trade down or out of the draft to gain future assets?

Even if the Raptors decide to stay put, their actions and decisions during the draft will offer valuable insights into how the organization views its current roster and future potential.

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